Sad Song

I chose the song, “Sad Song” by We the Kings. I chose this song because when I listen to the words, I can connect to it. For my found poem, I first read through the song lyrics. After going through the lyrics, I circled the lyrics that stood out to me. The lyrics tend to be sad and a little down, but there is a story to goes along with what’s being said. When hearing Travis, the lead singer, singing you can hear the emotions of sadness and grief pouring out. The song is about a husband losing a loved one and I can relate to this because I have lost a loved one. I also relate this to losing someone in a relationship, where I can also relate to it as well. I did different colored lines and circles just to bring some fun colors, but I also tried to color cordnate certain types of words.

Laura Ingraham Must Be Fired!!

For my found poem, I chose to do it on the article of Laura Ingraham laughing at Nipsey Hussle and making rude comments in response to him and YG’s (another current rapper) song and video about Donald Trump. When I browsed through my Instagram this weekend looking for something to bring into Monday’s class, I came across the news coverage video of her and her partner laughing and making fun of the late rapper and his colleague. I was immediately outraged and disgusted by the laughing and comments that were presented in my found poem. Her lack of knowledge on the culture, her history of attacking people who oppose Donald Trump (also stated in the poem) or who are of color and lack of respect for the dead and people’s opinions, really caused me to wonder how she became a newscaster and how she continues to work for Fox News, despite her reputation.

It is understandable to have your own opinion, but I feel it should’ve been done in a way that was deferential, especially since she is talking about a man who was recently killed and who was loved and honored by family, friends, and fans due to how much he gave back to his community and made endless efforts to make the world a better place. I feel she was extremely condescending and it is disgusting. It is evident that she is very racist and a horrible image for Fox News. Like stated by all of the other rappers in the article, she needs to be fired.

Treatment of Woman through Rap Lyrics

For the found poem assignment I chose to use the lyric in the song, U.O.E.N.O. it by Rick Ross featuring Future. The two lines I scrambled in my found poem are, “Put Molly all in her champagne, she ain’t even know it”, and ” I took her home and enjoyed, she ain’t even know it”. The reason I chose this lyric is not only due to the anger that develops when hearing the song but, presenting how the ideal of treating women is presented in our generation. People tend to think that women are being treated better than the past. In actuality a system has been created to manipulate and mistreat women of all races in this world. Whether it is the workplace, sports, or simply in relationships women are seen as the weaker link to men who lack respect and character. The reason I used orange and blue in the found poem is because of the meaning in which they hold. The meaning of the color orange according to the Bourn Creative, “is associated with balance, sexuality, and freedom “. The color orange I also associated with the female gender symbol, to express how a situation such as the rapper Rick Ross raps about drugging women and raping them, creates a sort of symbol of freedom in the sex. Blue according to Bourn Creative is associated with, “depth, trust, loyalty,and sincerity”. The reason I corresponded this color with the male gender symbol is because these are the characteristics in which all men need to develop in relationship with all women whether we know them or not.

Found Poem- Acceptance Prevailing

For my found poem, I used the last few lines of Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”. If you’ve never read the novel/ don’t remember it well, the last few paragraphs relate to a character named Boo Radley. Boo Radley was a recluse in the town of Maycomb, so much so that the children began imagining who he was, what he does in his house, and make assumptions about the type of person he is. Towards the end of the novel, Scout and Jem (two main characters, siblings), are attacked by a man named Bob Ewell, who, lost his job due to Atticus’ (their father) trial. Ewell had intended to kill the children as revenge towards Atticus, and Boo Radley is the person who saved them.

The novel itself is very shocking and sad, with themes such as racism and injustice being highly prevalent. In the last few pages of the novel, I was becoming angry with the way Boo Radley had been treated all along, despite being an unmasked hero. With the poem, I crossed out the parts where Scout described how Boo Radley was chased by the cops after saving the children. I kept parts where Scout herself recognizes Boo Radley as a person and good human being, and where Atticus finally agrees with her. I included parts like “He … Sat me down” and “His hands were … around me” to establish a sense of love prevailing against the hatred that was so grown into the town of Maycomb. I also included “He would be there all night / in the morning”, to bring about a sense of security within the readers; to feel as though there was some warmth in an atmosphere that was so bitterly cold. Additionally, I included “They chased him … ’cause they didn’t know what he looked like” because it epitomizes the fear that the majority of the town felt toward Boo Radley.

Racism in Hockey

I decided to make my poem about a particular incident that occurred in the NHL a few years ago. I chose this particular event because in my opinion it was one of the more serious incidents the league has seen. I took statements from a Fox News article that were most meaningful and could convey the same message as the entire article. The article aggravated me due to the fact that there were fans who were insulting/making fun of someone who was just trying to do their job and play a sport. The player had done nothing wrong and was being bullied just because of the color of his skin. Hockey and all other sports, should be able to be played by everyone in a safe environment.

Trump Tweets

For my found poem, I wanted to do something that is aggravating and make it sort of funny in a way. This poem is made entirely out of words from Donald Trump’s tweets. His tweets to start are already outrageous. So this was a fun experiment to see if I could make the meaning of the poem against Trump. This is a large contrast from the original tweets that Trump talks so highly of himself. I wanted to show the other side and opinions that many people agree with. I wanted the layout to incorporate poetry and stay true to the twitter format. The spacing out of words and different sizes show that it is a found poem. I included Trump’s twitter handle and picture at the top to give the sense of it being another one of his tweets. But, the content is something opposite of what he would say about himself; but said in his own words.

Blank Space

For my found poem I focused on the song “Breathe me” by Sia. This song is about feeling neglected, constantly worried, and anxious. It also seems to be a story of self harm and hardships. While actually listening it seems very real to be Sia. The first time I heard this song was when I watched the movie Cyberbully, where a teenage girl becomes a victim of bullying on and off line and starts having suicidal thoughts.This isn’t a song I chose because I could relate on a personal level but more because one day on my way home from class this song came on the radio and hearing it and really thinking about it made me also think of the book ZONG that we have been reading in class.

If you weren’t looking at my found poem and just listening to this song there is a few things to think about. One is throughout the whole song the piano in the back stays basically constant throughout the whole song. One effect that this has on the lyrics is it makes the listener focus in more on the words in the song rather than what is going on in the background. Another is every once in awhile a few other instruments will come into play and this seems to be for dramatic effect. While listening to Sia sing you can hear a lot of emotions in her voice. Emotions like sadness, hurt, anger, loneliness. This is one of the things that made me think of the book Zong. I can relate this to the book because of while just reading the poems I didn’t understand the emotions, until hearing the reading. When I heard the reading that was when it I could really understand and relate to the emotions and feelings of the author. Another factor that I could relate to the book is the speed of the song and the words in the song. While listening it is very slow it seems like while shes singing the words are spaced out and purposely drawn out. This is very similar to in Zong and the way the words are spaced out on the page and the way words are broken up into bits and pieces. When actually creating my found poem I tried to make it as relatable to the book as possible. I took the lyrics of the song and read them over and over again. After that I listened to the song a few times while reading the lyrics. The next thing I did was I wrote down the lyrics. I spaced out each word, just like in Zong. this seemed to be effective because this song seems like somebody is taking long breaths, almost like they are drowning much like in Zong. Also the white space is where they feel most alone and most broken and the words are where they are trying to ask for help.  I wrote some of the words smaller than others and I made other words larger and darker. The words that I made larger and darker are words that I found most powerful. These words are where I thought the author of the song is calling out for help, and showing their weakness. Also these words can all be put together and make up some of the lyrics that are repeated in the song; “Be my friend, hold me. Wrap me up, unfold me, I am small, I’m needy. Warm me up”.  Another aspect of the song that I used when making my found poem was the title of the song which is also used in the lyrics repeated in the chorus. These lyrics are “Breathe me”, I placed each one of these words in the corner of the page completely spaced out. The effect I was going for here was again with the call for help, struggle to breathe. Where the words are that is where the author is calling for help and the white space is the place where they are “drowning” and the place where they are most alone.

Sapphire Reading Extra Credit

I attended Sapphire’s reading on April 4th. Sapphire is the author of popular books like Push and Kid. The book Push was later turned into the film Precious. Her work has been translated into 13 languages and she often talks about race, poverty, and abuse. She read several of her poems and I am going to talk about a few. Before I begin talking about the poems themselves, I wanted to address the way she read the poems. Every poem she read was read in such a passionate way, or sometimes a really funny tone. No matter what the poem, it was evident the mood and tone she was trying to convey just by the way she was reading it.

The first poem I am going to talk about is Speaker of the House. This poem was about a boy who had been sexually assaulted by his former wrestling coach, who later became Speaker of the House. The poem is read from the boys perspective. When she begins this reading, her voice is really loud and stern, which tells me that she is very serious and angry about what happened. One of the lines of the poem that stood out to me was “The last time I was anything, I was with you, now I have nothing, watching you on TV.” This is the boy speaking about how he has nothing in life yet the man who ruined his life is now Speaker of the House and on TV. The boy often speaks of being afraid and nervous. He goes to a job interview and it is revealed to us that he cannot hold a job and he likes to engage in risky behavior like speeding on his motorcycle. During the time that this man, whose name is Dennis Pastor, was this boys wrestling coach, the boy says that he felt like number one because they won the state championship and he felt great to be a part of something. He said the way that Dennis looked at him “froze my blood” and Dennis said “I need you.” The boy reveals that Dennis knew he was gay and took advantage of him. When the boy went to college he was hit, raped, he never used condoms and ended up with HIV and couldn’t get hired for a job. I thought this was a really great poem, as sad and disgusting the situation is, I feel that it is important to bring light to situations like these and not just let them be swept under the rug.

The next poem was called Ode to Thighs. This one was read in a much lighter mood and it was pretty funny. However, it was read pretty fast so I didn’t catch most of it, she repeats that “thighs stay strong” and talks about all the things that her thighs get her through. She starts the poem with her getting on her bike to the YMCA, she cleans on her hands and knees, she cooked and cleaned for everyone. At the end she says “thighs stay strong, thighs are all I have.” I thought this was a really interesting poem because I don’t think I have ever read anything about someones thighs. She isn’t wrong either, thighs really do help you in life and I think the point she is trying to make is that throughout any hardships in life, she has her thighs and she gets through it all. She is also saying that she is a strong woman who doesn’t give up.

The next poem, I didn’t catch the name of and It was read really fast so I also didn’t get much of the poem. The poem is about her life and values and what she has come from. She is from Mississippi and she starts with saying that she doesn’t remember what cotton looks like in a bowl. This poem was a series of things she is “from” or has encountered. The few lines I caught were “from new money fast gone jailhouse, abortions, degrees of light, dark night, talking loud, hearing voices, fur and fires, slavery and Obama.” This is a series of random things, but I found it really interesting because it gives us a small glimpse into her life. The way she ends the poem had the whole room laughing. She says “I say yes ma’am and bye bitch.” I thought this was really funny and honestly kind of badass because that tells me that she is respectful when she needs to be and can really put her foot down and not take anything from anyone.

These were just some of my favorite poems that I heard that day and I am so glad I went. I will definitely be looking into more of her work and I highly suggest her work to everyone.

Instructions for Friday 4/12

Hi all,

My apologies again that I can’t be in class on Friday! Your homework for Monday is to bring in a short text (article, form, document, song lyrics, bill, etc.) that makes you mad or upset, that feels inaccurate or offensive. Be prepared to write on it. We will be making our own found poems. Also, bring Zong!, since we will continue our discussions.

In order to receive participation credit for Friday’s class, please follow the instructions below and post your comment by midnight on Friday. You will need your copy of Zong! handy.

First, watch this video of Phillip reading Zong 17, 18, 19 (29-34). Start from the beginning and watch until about 4:36. You may want to listen twice: once while looking at the poems she is reading and once without, to take it all in.

Next, please listen to this short lecture (20 mins), which will help you answer one of the discussion questions below. Follow along in your book. (Bonus = my cat interjects throughout!)

In your comment, please respond to one of the following discussion questions. You are encouraged to quote from the text and engage with the ideas of your peers.

  • How did watching the video of Phillip reading change the way you read the text? Did it help you see any aspect of the text in a new way?
  • In what sense is this an “impossible” story to tell?
  • How did you read the names at the bottom of each page? What do they suggest?
  • What strategies did you develop for reading these difficult poems?
  • Phillip repeatedly compares the process of writing Zong! To the actual Zong massacre itself. Why? What is she inviting us to think about?
  • Was there a particularly striking detail, pattern, or theme you observed in the poems for today (20-76) that raised an interesting thought or question? Please explain.

Comments are due by midnight on Friday. Looking forward to reading your responses. Have a great weekend and see you Monday!

Finance vs. Power – Zong!

Zong! is a poetry book written by M. NourbeSe Philip. It entails the story of the planned murder of slaves that were being transported on the slave ship Zong. The massacre was to be done in order to collect insurance money. The ship was setting sail from the West Coast of Africa to Jamaica. It held a cargo of 470 slaves.

On page 189, when introducing the massacre, the sentence is structured as such: “Some of Zong’s cargo is lost through illness and lack of water; many others, by order of the captain are destroyed: Sixty negroes died for want of water… and forty others…through thirst and frenzy…threw themselves into the sea and were drowned; and the master and mariners…were obliged to throw overboard 150 other negroes”. It continues in the next paragraph to say “Captain Luke Collingwood is of the belief that if the African slaves on board die of a natural death, the owners of the ship will have to bear the cost, but if they were ‘thrown alive into the sea’, it would be the loss of the underwriters”. To summarize, this means that by massacring the slaves aboard the ship, there would be a financial benefit to the ship owners.

Now, in this paragraph, the slaves being transported are described as “cargo”, which is a term used to describe goods carried on a ship. Given the time period (November of 1781), it’s common knowledge that Africans were treated as property and sold as slaves. It also states on page 194, “The African men, women, and children on board the Zong were stripped of all specificity, including their names. Their financial value, however, was recorded and preserved for insurance purposes, each being valued 30 pounds sterling”. In the United States monetary system, this equals almost forty U.S. dollars. If you flip through the book, the first thing that will catch your eye is the irregular, almost spasmodic positioning of the words on the pages. Could have this been done in order to replicate the feeling of drowning? Given the background information, the arrangement of words on each page could be made to simulate the feeling of drowning- losing air, hope, and eventually, the loss of life.

Anyways, reading through this, I began to wonder if the same thing would have happened if there were no slaves on the ship, but rather white people. This question seems almost illogical, given that Africans were sold and insured as property. However, the slaves were being transported on the ship in order to be bought; in other words, they were on the ship for a reason. So, if this were truly for financial gain, would it have been the same if the passengers were all white? Or would it simply be a tragic massacre, never to be published into the story that Zong! is? If you think it would not be the same if the slaves were white, do you think this massacre was partly done for the ship owners to exercise their power over the slaves?


  1. How do you imagine this event would have occurred if the slaves were white?
  2. Do you think this massacre was done solely for the financial benefit, or do you think it could have been done to exercise power?